What does God teach us in Romans?

The main takeaway from the epistle to the Romans is that, for those who believe, God can save them through the gospel (Romans 1:16). We...

Was Jesus afraid of sinners?

“And the scribes and Pharisees complained to His disciples, asking, ‘Why do You eat and drink with sinners and tax collectors?'” Luke 5:30. Jesus deals...

Do we have the true Gospel?

A preacher will ask you to trust in Jesus. However, you can only have confidence in Jesus if you are able to [believe what the...

What parts of the Bible apply today?

The Bible is an amazing text. The Bible is how God communicates with you. However, it is evident from reading the Bible that God does...

Should women wear head coverings?

1 Corinthians 11 provides the foundation for this query. According to Paul, when women pray, they should cover their heads. Churches have disagreed over this...