Biblical vocabulary: נֵר (lamp)

Objects that are often used in daily life are frequently mentioned in the Bible. Among these items is the lamp, which was a staple of...

Biblical vocabulary: דרשׁ (To seek)

“Seek the LORD and live!” Biblical Hebrew verbs contain a variety of meanings, and translation and interpretation can be influenced by word choice and context....

What are the key themes of the Bible?

It’s difficult to condense the Bible’s main ideas or synopses into a single article without omitting many crucial points. However, I’ll try. I’ll list the...

Who is the Messiah?

The first few chapters of the Bible describe how God made everything wonderful, including Adam and Eve, the first pair to ever be together. However,...

Biblical vocabulary: דרשׁ (To seek)

“Seek the LORD and live!” Biblical Hebrew verbs contain a variety of meanings, and translation and interpretation can be influenced by word choice and context....