Is the Bible the Word of God?

It is common to refer to [the Bible] as the Word of God. And with good reason—this is what it purports to be! For example,...

What the Bible means for our lives (1)

Luke’s Gospel gives us two powerful illustrations in the fourth chapter of how and why Christians should use the Bible, which is the inspired word...

Do we have the true Gospel?

A preacher will ask you to trust in Jesus. However, you can only have confidence in Jesus if you are able to [believe what the...

What parts of the Bible apply today?

The Bible is an amazing text. The Bible is how God communicates with you. However, it is evident from reading the Bible that God does...

When were the four gospels written?

Regarding the identity and chronology of the gospel writers, the majority of scholars concur. Gospel of Mark It seems likely that Mark was the first...