Can the world become a better place according to the Bible?

Do you think the world can become a better place according to the Bible?

The perfect world that God created is very different from the world as we know it now. A clear picture of what has transpired in the world since God created it may be found in Romans 1:18–32. These issues arise because [sin infiltrated God’s ideal creation].

The world is bound

Romans 8:21–22, a later passage in the text, states that creation will eventually be “liberated from its bondage to decay.” It follows that God has a purpose for the world as it exists now. There are numerous issues with the physical world that we observe, such as floods, volcanoes, famines, earthquakes, and droughts. All of these evils are the outcome of sin and God’s wrath against it.

People are not able to meet God’s standard

We can also see that the presence of sin in the world has a significant impact on humanity. The things we hear about in the news on a daily basis are just a few examples of how people have failed to live up to God’s standards. Murder, retaliation, rage, corruption, wars and battling, greed and tyranny, slavery, fraud, deceitfulness, and falsehoods are just a few examples.

Love God and your neighbor

The Bible instructs, demonstrates, and gives individuals advice on how they should live in order to make the world a better place to live. When asked which commandment was the greatest, Jesus responded. In response, Jesus said, “Love the Lord, your God, with all of your mind, soul, and heart.” According to Matthew 22:37–39, the first and second commandments are to love your neighbor as yourself. This is the greatest commandment. Jesus claimed that these two commandments encapsulated the entire law.

The world would be a better place

If you think about it, this is true – how different life would be if no one had to lock up their possessions because there would be no theft. How would it be if everyone always told the truth, from the highest people in the government to the youngest child on the planet? How would it be if everyone was satisfied with their wages, no workman ever asked for more money than the work done demanded. Take a minute to think about every area of our lives and how totally different things would be if everyone lived according to the Bible because we loved God, and are eager to live our lives in ways that please Him, and because we loved our neighbors as much as we loved ourselves.

Living according to the Bible is a full life

In John 10:10, Jesus compares Himself to a shepherd and His people to a flock of sheep. He says: “I have come that they would have life and have it to the full.” If someone thinks of something being full, it gives the impression of abundance, richness, no want, no emptiness, joyful, satisfied. This is the kind of life that God wants to give us. If we lived according to the Bible we would experience this kind of life increasingly. God promised the Israelites in Exodus 20:4-6 that God would bless those who obeyed him and also would bless their descendants for many generations. Whilst we are not the children of Israel, we can see that God blesses the families that obey and serve him. Living according to the Bible is the best way to live, and gives peace, joy and hope in a world where these are often rare commodities.


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