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Can sin exist when there is no law?

Does sin exist when there is no law?

What kind of illness is the worst that someone might have? an unidentified one.

Nothing is more terrifying than being ill and having no idea why. My friends’ babies started acting differently, and they were terrified. To make matters worse, they had no idea what was wrong and had no idea how to help. By the grace of God, they were fortunate to locate some excellent physicians who were able to identify their child’s issue and provide the proper care. The crucial initial step that physicians take to determine the true nature of the issue is diagnosis. They cannot provide an efficient treatment if they are unaware of this. Even many modern disorders that are easily treated can cause major harm or even death if left untreated, which is why diagnosis is so crucial.

Law and gospel

God’s word is composed of two main components: the law and the gospel. In medical terminology, we can refer to these as a diagnostic and a remedy. The apostle Paul’s statement that “sin is not counted where there is no law” is made clearer to us by this explanation. (Romans 5:13).

The term “law” describes the nature of God His perfect love. According to Mark 12:28–34, for example, we are made to follow God’s Law, which calls for us to love Him with all of our hearts and to love others as ourselves. According to Paul, the Law exposes our transgressions (Romans 3:20), and without it, we would not have recognized sin for what it is (Romans 7:7). Law “diagnoses” our sin problem because it reveals to us that we are more in love with ourselves than with God and other people when we hear about God’s perfect love.

The Law of God has been known to God’s people since the beginning of time. God issued Adam a mandate in Genesis 2:16–17, which he disobeyed in Genesis 3 by eating the fruit of the tree. For this reason, in Romans 5:14, Paul refers to what Adam did as a “transgression”—that is, “breaking a law.”

Law of Moses

However, the people of God were not very familiar with God’s Law. After saving His people from Egypt, God gave them His Law—the Ten Commandments—through Moses on Mount Sinai, according to the book of Exodus (Exodus 20). Additionally, he provided them with several explanations of how the Ten Commandments—found in Exodus 21–24, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy—appear in the real world for Israel.

Paul refers to this Law as the “Law of Moses” in Romans 5:12–21. Paul is able to discuss things “before” the Law in Romans 5:13 because of this. “Because sin does not exist where there is no law, even though sin existed in the world before the law was given.”

Therefore, even though the people of God were aware of some aspects of God’s nature prior to the Law of Moses, it was as though they were given a partial diagnostic of their sin problem by a medical student. However, obtaining the Law of Moses was akin to receiving a thorough diagnostic from the best doctors in the world at the greatest hospital in the world.

Even though we were aware that broken bones might occur before the X-ray was created, its development has allowed us to diagnose them with much more precision! It seems as though we knew nothing at all prior to the invention of these incredible gadgets! Paul views the Law of Moses in this way.

The Law of Moses actually provides such an accurate diagnostic of our sin issue that it even specifies the necessary course of treatment and what our post-repair appearance will be like. That was the main purpose of all the priests, sacrifices, and purity regulations. The Law of Moses was only a diagnostic; it did not provide the remedy. However, it did outline the course of action for taking the cure as well as the holiness that would follow (e.g. Romans 3:21).

Take the cure

Given that the Law is God’s diagnosis of our sin issue, it is imperative that we follow its prescription. However, there are improper applications of the law. Hearing the Law may proud us because we believe we can correct ourselves, or it may make us upset that our selfishness has been revealed. The gospel of Jesus provides the remedy described in the Law: God corrects Jesus for our self-centeredness, Jesus gives us the glory for His perfect life of love, and Jesus’ Spirit changes us so that we might love God and others just as He does.

From the beginning, [God’s people have profited from God’s gospel remedy], as seen by the curse on the serpent in Genesis 3:14–15 and God’s concealing of Adam and Eve’s selfishness’ consequences in Genesis 3:20–21. However, we are incredibly fortunate to be living in an era where God has produced the remedy—Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection—and distributed it to the general public through gospel preaching.

Struggling with sin? Read the law!

Read the Law if you are experiencing difficulties with sin! Look at how sick you are. Examine the accounts of God’s healing work in Jesus. Put your faith in Him to forgive your sins and grant you a fresh start. And rejoice in His Spirit’s healing work.

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