Can we live pure lives like Jesus?

Can we live pure lives like Jesus?

It is not simple for anyone to live a pure life as Christ did. This is due to two factors: first, Jesus lived a totally pure life; and second, we are sinful humans who commit wrongdoing on a regular basis. We all fail in our attempts to live fulfilling lives. The good news is that because Jesus died in our place, if we put our faith in him, [God views us as pure].

Unable to live pure lives

Humans have not been able to live pure lives as God intended since Adam and Eve disobeyed him (Genesis 3:1–20). The Bible’s Old Testament demonstrates to us how frequently God’s people disobeyed him and failed to respect his commands. The Father wanted that Jesus, who was [completely man] and totally God, lived a pure life. In Matthew 5:48, Jesus himself exhorted his disciples to “be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect.”

Evil from inside us

But according to what Jesus also said (Mark 7:20), evil originates within, in our hearts and brains. Our hearts and minds commit sin, and we are not pure, even if we obediently follow religious precepts and seem pure on the outside (Matthew 6:28). We are separated from God in this way, and we should be punished by him. The amazing truth of Christianity is that Jesus is sinless for us. God already loves us; we don’t need to be pure for Him to do so! In the name of Jesus, God pardons our impurity and releases us from the penalty we deserve.

Jesus, our example

Individuals who put their faith in Jesus endeavor to live according to God’s will, which is for His people to lead pure lives. We strive to emulate Jesus as our model. We can learn how to live pure lives by studying the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16). Additionally, the Holy Spirit of God works in our hearts, emulating Jesus more and more (Philippians 2:13 and 2:21). Our lives are likewise improved when we live in intimate, loving relationship with other Christians (James 5:19). With all of this assistance, Jesus changes the lives of a great number of people, enabling them to lead far more pure lives than they did before.

Can we lead lives that are entirely pure? Still, the response is no. Christians have a high standard of living and must not put up with sin. As God’s children, brothers of Jesus, and residents of paradise, we ought to live accordingly. And we eagerly anticipate paradise, where we shall be able to totally and perfectly live in purity beside Jesus.


For now, though, we continue to struggle. This is covered by Paul in Romans 7:18–19. Because I want to do the right thing, but I can’t make myself do it. Because I continue to perform the evil that I do not want to do, rather than the good that I want to do. Paul continues, however, without giving up and says, “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25).


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