Can I become a Christian if my parents forbid me to?

In a society where people reject God, the Christian God, more and more, it is imperative that we consider and have an answer ready for the subject of whether or not to become a Christian against the preferences of someone in a position of authority over us.

Whom to obey?

All things are the creation of God. Everything is still within his control. He made each and every individual on the planet with Him in mind. He wants each and every one of us to [get to know Him personally]. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” according to Jesus, is the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37). We must therefore obey Him first and foremost.

You have to choose whom you will obey when others in positions of power discourage us from following Him either because they don’t know Him or because it goes against their tradition.

We must obey God rather than men

According to the New Testament, after Jesus died, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, His disciples started sharing [the good news of Jesus] with everyone and enticing people to put their faith in Him. The religious authorities were enraged at the time and persecuted the disciples in an effort to eradicate the idea that Jesus was God.

“We must obey God rather than men,” they said in response to being jailed and ordered to stop talking about Jesus by the leaders after one incident (Acts 5:29).They had two loyaltys: one to God and the other to humans. They came to understand that [they had to always pick God when the two clashed or disagreed].

How should I live then?

Having stated that we must obey God first, we ought to keep in mind that God Himself appointed everyone in positions of responsibility over us. “Because there is no authority apart from God, and those that exist are established by God,” according to Romans 13:1.

Respect: People in positions of authority above us should always be respected. Should we choose to believe in God in defiance of their wishes,

  • you could respectfully tell them that you must obey God.
  • If you see that this might put your life in risk, then go in silence, obey God, and seek his guidance on whom to tell and how to live.
  • In front of people in positions of authority, live out your Christian life with reverence, submission, love, helpfulness, patience, joy, and serenity. Pray that they will witness the change in your life.
  • pray continually for them.
  • You will be able to publicly declare your faith if you have had the chance to escape their control, such as by marriage, moving out of your parents’ house, or reaching adulthood.

Can I be a Christian if my parents, or those in authority over me forbid me to?

Yes, without a doubt, but only in a way that draws the people in positions of power above you closer to God. Don’t yell at them, argue with them, or treat them like less intelligent than you. God wants them to know Him since He created them and He created them too. Perhaps God wants you to be the one who enlightens them about it. Be prudent in all that you say and do, then.


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