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Can a Christian be demon possessed?

Can a Christian be demon possessed?

If someone is under the direct power of a demon, they are said to be demon possessed. Luke 8 provides a crystal-clear illustration of that. There was a man with superhuman power who lived among graves. The man became normal after Jesus gave him multiple commands to drive out demonic spirits.

Temple of the Holy Spirit

Each and every Christian is a [holy temple]. God is the owner of us. It follows that a demon could never truly own or possess us in that sense. “He who is within you (that is, the Holy Spirit) is greater than he who is in the world” (that is, the devil), according to 1 John 4:10. God’s Spirit dwells within us. The devil exists in the world. Furthermore, the devil can never enter our lives and take possession of us because the Holy Spirit is stronger than the demon. Thus, confirm that you are a child of God and that no demon will ever be able to take possession of you.

Dangerous enemy

This does not negate the threat that believers face from the devil. We must “stand against the schemes of the devil,” according to Paul (Ephesians 6:11). The devil could try to trick us into sinning (see also 1 Timothy 3:7). However, the things that are together referred to as [‘the armor of God’]—prayer, faith, and the Bible—will enable us to fend off the devil’s attacks. The Bible also tells us that the devil will give up if we resist: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).

But the devil is still a formidable foe. The devil can enter our lives because of certain faults (Ephesians 4:27). The devil may be able to have more control over our lives if we stray away from God. Thus, we pray, “deliver us from evil,” in the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13), which is most likely a reference to “deliver us from the evil one,” or Satan. We ask God to keep the devil out of our lives, both for ourselves and for others.

Deliver from evil

Thus, we might ask God to protect us against the devil’s attacks. But it’s critical to recognize that these assaults are external forms of harassment. God is our proprietor and owner; he resides in us through the Holy Spirit.

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