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Biblical vocabulary: אֱמֶת (truth and faithfulness)

There are words in the Hebrew Bible with more than one meaning, and sometimes one interpretation does not preclude the other. This is also true with the term “emet,” which contains the essential connotations of truth and trust in addition to other meanings such as true, faithful, trustworthy, firm, assurance, and steadfast.

When referring to people, the term “emet” (truth, trust, and trustworthiness) is frequently used. In order to help Moses with his enormous work, Jethro counseled him to select “men of emet,” or dependable, faithful men (Exodus 18:21). Hananiah, a “man of emet,” was Nehemiah’s reliable aide (Nehemiah 7:2).

“Emet” as a standard or value has to exist in humans. The prophets repeatedly brought up the subject of God’s people’s lack of “emet.” Hosea (4:1c) laments the lack of “emet” in the land; see Isaiah 59:14. Most frequently, the prophets’ lament (Zechariah 8:16; the final verse of Isaiah 48:1) is accompanied with an encouragement to cherish the truth or trustworthiness (Zechariah 8:19).

Proverbs describes “emet” as something precious. Listen to the call: “Do not let “emet” (truth/faithfulness) abandon you. Purchase “emet” (truth, firmness, certainty) and do not sell it (Proverbs 3:3). (Proverbs 23:23). The Bible frequently combines the words “emet” and “grace,” saying that they “build what is good” (Proverbs 14:22). According to Proverbs 16:6a, sin is atoned for with “emet.”

This leads us to God, the Almighty, the Origin of all “emet” (faithfulness/truth). God is “great in “emet” (truth/faithfulness) and grace,” according to Moses. (Exodus 34:6). God is unfailing, unending “emet” (true/faithful), but people fail. David acknowledged and admitted this as well (2 Samuel 7:28).

The Psalms are the primary source of divine “emet,” or fidelity or truth. His truthfulness and faithfulness never waver and are ever-present. It is evident that the basis of all truth is God’s “emet,” or faithfulness and truth. God is the owner of “Emet”: “Because of your unwavering love, which is great to the heavens and your “emet”/faithfulness to the clouds.” As He is, so too is His Word (Psalm 57:10): “Thy Torah is “emet” (truth/reliable)… Refer to Psalm 119:142b and John 17:17. His loyalty and truth provide us with a constant, unwavering shield (Psalm 91:4; 40:11).

As stated in Psalm 25:5, 26, 3, and 86:11, “All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and “emet”/faithfulness,” we can walk in His “emet” (truth/faithfulness). (Psalm 25:10).

“Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your “emet”/ (truth/faithfulness)…” should be the title of our petition. (Psalm 86:11).

© Copyright dr. Annechiena Sneller-Vrolijk

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