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Biblical vocabulary: בטח (“to trust” in something or someone)

Biblical vocabulary - Serving the Lord

Trust based on your faith

There are phrases and terms that are part of the “faith vocabulary” found in the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew verb בטח, meaning “batach,” is definitely included in this biblical faith lexicon.

“To trust” in something or someone is the core meaning of the verb “batach,” but it can also indicate feeling secure, carefree, entrusting oneself to, hoping, and trusting. It’s interesting that when the word “batach” is used in the latter sense, the rationale or cause for the assurance is typically stated. The Scriptures make it abundantly evident that this verb is specifically employed in reference to the total assurance that one can find in the Lord God, in all that He is and all that He provides.

Unfounded trust

When it comes to placing one’s reliance in something or someone who seems untrustworthy, the word “batach” also serves as a warning in the Old Testament in a negative meaning. It has to do with placing your faith in something unfavorable or in a person who presents false assurance. The Bible frequently refers to this erroneous trust rather than the faith in the Lord God, to whom the Bible calls man.

Proverbs forbids putting one’s confidence in riches, saying that “whoever ‘batach’/trusts in his riches will fall.”(Proverbs 11:28). This is made clear by the psalmist in Psalm 52, who describes the godless man and his ultimate evil (Psalm 52:3–7). He concludes by drawing a stark comparison between the most fortunate person’s trust in God and their wealth: “Observe the man who did not make God his ‘batach’ (refuge), but rather ‘batach’ (trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction!” See Psalm 49:6.

God’s Word forewarns against putting your reliance in false, untrustworthy man-made certainty. “Trusting in princes is not as good as taking refuge in the Lord” (Psalm 118:8–9). The Bible teaches us that looking for certainty outside of God is foolishness and that it is folly to put your faith in anything or someone else. Our steadfast foundation of faith is in His care; trusting in anything other than Him only results in disappointment.

Furthermore, we make blunders when we place our own understanding above that of God. Proverbs 3:5 says, “‘Batach’/Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

He who fears the Lord

Psalm 115:3 declares, “Our God is in the heavens.” The psalmist then highlights the fundamental inconsistency between trusting faithfully in the almighty, living God and depending on helpless, dead idols (Psalm 155:4–8). Finally, there is an urgent plea for an absolute “batach” or trust in the Lord God: “Israel […] house of Aaron [… You who fear the Lord ‘batach’/trust in the Lord…” (Psalm 115:9–11).

This profound summons was and remains applicable to all of Israel, and it still holds true for all who dread the Lord. One is obligated to place complete trust in the Lord and His Word if they fear, reverently love, and serve Him. This is the basis for his benediction, for all ages! (Psalm 115:13). “Who among you is afraid of the Lord?”(Isaiah 50:10–11).

Trust based in God

The prophet Jeremiah is likewise aware of the peril and dire repercussions of depending on human might and show while one’s heart turns away from the Lord God. He also highlights the abundant benefits that come to the person who trusts in God in this passage. “Happy is the man who believes in the Lord, or ‘batach’.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8). Anyone who puts their trust in God in this manner is eligible for the wonderful promise made here, and He will shower them with fruit!

Next, as a hymn to our God, we sing a “new song” and grow fruit of praise. Others may find that to be a compelling testimony, encouraging them to “batach” (Psalm 40:4-5) and put their trust in God.

Those who trust are richly blessed

The Scriptures consistently underscore the [great gift of trusting God]. “Lord of hosts, blessed is the one who ‘batach’/trusts in you,” the Bible says in an enticing cry (Psalm 84:13). In addition, Proverbs 16:20 states, “… blessed is he who ‘batach’/trusts in the Lord.” Psalm 112:1 states, “Happy is the man who fears the Lord.” Despite all the unknowns in life, we have the great advantage of having faith in God!

Even though we have no idea what the future holds, we can look forward with confidence because we know one thing for sure: the Lord God is guiding us and will always be at our side. Every hour of every day that He grants us.

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