Biblical vocabulary: אמץ (to be strong and courageous)

Be strong and courageous” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

At the start of a new year or at turning points in our life, it is a good time to look back on our past year and to look ahead. How did we start this year? And how do we live now, today? How do we look at tomorrow? Reflecting on these questions, we are helped and encouraged by an expression of encouragement that occurs several times in the Hebrew Bible at important decision or transition moments in the lives of people who belong to and serve the Lord God. It is a statement containing the Hebrew verb אמץ “amats”, which means: to be strong, to take courage, to be courageous, to strengthen oneself. In summary, the core meaning of “amats” is to be strengthened and to be courageous. It is striking that in many cases this verb “amats” is accompanied by the verb “chazaq”: to be strong (will be discussed in a different article).

Courage for a new stage in life

Both verbs are employed in the story of Moses and his attendant Joshua, which represents a significant turning point in the lives of the Israelites (Deuteronomy 31:1-8). Moses prepared the people for entering the Promised Land by saying, “The Lord your God Himself will go over before you.” (Leviticus 31:3) “Be brave and “amats” / strong. Since the Lord, your God, is going with you, do not be afraid or filled with dread of them. Deuteronomy 31:6 states, “He will not forsake you or abandon you.

The identical words, “Be strong and “amats” / courageous, for you shall go with this people into the land that the Lord has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall put them in possession of it,” were used by Moses to prepare Joshua for taking over as leader of the people. The one who goes before you is the Lord. Deuteronomy 31:7-8 states, “He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you.” It is noteworthy that Moses offers the same words of encouragement to the group he had been leading for such a long time as well as to his successor, to whom he delegated his leadership responsibilities.

Moses knew better than anyone how hard this task was and how much he needed God’s encouragement and strength for it every day. He now prays that for the sake of the people and the future leader. They must be strong and take courage for the new stage of life ahead. It is important that Moses, led by God’s Spirit, makes it clear that the strength and courage of God’s people and their leader does not lie in themselves, but in the Lord God. Moses himself had learned to take courage from God’s assured promise, “But I will be with you …” (Exodus 3:12). He now links the command to be strong and courageous to the same promise: “The Lord… will be with you”. God’s presence is their source of power! In this alone man finds strength and courage.

Joshua is encouraged

After the drastic event of the transfer of the task of leadership, Joshua is at the beginning of his new, great responsibility. What must have been his feeling? Did he dread the time ahead and all the work that awaited? They remain unanswered questions. What we do know is that the Lord God spoke to him with the same encouragement that Moses had expressed: “Only be strong and very amats / courageous … This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth …. Be strong and amats / courageous … for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7-9). God Himself now expresses the same phrase of encouragement that Joshua heard earlier from Moses’ mouth. He can be strong and courageous because the Lord is with him! The power to serve as a leader is completely outside of himself, and in the Lord alone!

David and Solomon

This son will have to complete the massive construction project, so after much planning for the temple construction, David and Solomon face a critical transitional stage and difficult work (1 Chronicles 22:11–13). “May the Lord be with you now, my son.” 22:11 in 1 Chronicles. The identical call that Joshua had heard before again resurfaces: “Be strong and “amats” / courageous.” Do not be afraid.22:13 in 1 Chronicles. David adds that the only place to find bravery and strength is in the presence of the Lord.

The Bible tells us that because God gives us tremendous bravery, we can look ahead each day directed by Him and move from one period to the next with His might. According to Psalm 31:25, He will “amats” or give courage to the hearts of those who obediently wait for Him. Every day is governed by the unwavering assurance of His presence: “Be strong and “amats” / courageous… for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

© Copyright dr. Annechiena Sneller-Vrolijk


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