Where does the Bible talk about conversion?

Conversion praise

The Bible only uses the word “conversion” once, however the translation may vary. There are four instances of the related word “convert(s)”. Though these terms are uncommon, the idea of “conversion” appears far more frequently.

The passage “conversion” is mentioned in Acts 15:3. “Therefore, after being sent by the church, they brought immense joy to all the brothers as they traveled through Samaria and Phoenicia, detailing in detail the conversion of the Gentiles.” Paul and Barnabas employ this expression to explain to the churches in Samaria and Phoenicia how the gospel was received by Gentiles in other places.

Where can I find the word convert(s) in the Bible?

The word ‘convert(s)’ occurs in four places:

  • Acts 13:43 states, “And many Jews and pious converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas after the synagogue meeting broke up.” who encouraged them to go on in God’s grace as they talked with them.In this context, the term “convert” designates individuals who have become Jews.
  • “Greet also the church in their house,” says Romans 16:5. Salute my dear friend Epaenetus, the first Asian Christian convert. Epaenetus was the first Asian “convert,” or Christian believer, according to Paul.
  • “Now I urge you, brothers – you know that the household of Stephanas was the first converts in Achaia,” says 1 Corinthians 16:15. Additionally, that they have committed their lives to serving the saints. The term “converts” here also refers to the earliest believers in Achaia, just as it does in Romans 16:5.
  • “He must not be a recent convert, lest he grow haughty and fall into the devil’s condemnation,” says 1 Timothy 3:6. Paul is outlining the requirements for a church elder in this verse; the first is that the elder cannot be a recent “convert,” or new believer.

Generally speaking, the word “convert” is used instead of “believer.” Nevertheless, the word for “conversion” in Acts 15:3 really means “a turning” in the original language. After we get this, we can see that the Bible uses the concept of conversion far more frequently.

Related terms

To repent is to be very near to the terms “repentance” and “conversion.” The New Testament contains 56 instances of this term. To convert or have a change of heart is another meaning of repentance. Let’s examine a handful of these instances:

  • Matthew 3 and Luke 3: John the Baptist declares, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” in Matthew 3:2. John is calling people to change their ways of living, as the remainder of the chapter demonstrates.
  • Matthew 4:17: “Jesus started preaching at that point. declaring, “Repent, for the heavenly kingdom is near.” The central theme of Jesus’ teaching was to exhort people to turn from their sins and turn to God.
  • Acts 2:38 reports that Peter urged them to turn from their sins and receive forgiveness through baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. And the Holy Spirit’s gift will be given to you. After finishing his lecture on the day of Pentecost, Peter exhorts his audience to “repent,” or turn from their sins and turn to God.

Every human being needs to repent

Why does the Bible use the term “repentance” so frequently? Let’s examine Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 1:9–10:

“Because they themselves tell of the way we were received among you and how you resorted to serving the living, true God instead of idols. And to await the return of his Son, Jesus, who will save us from the coming wrath, from heaven.

The word ‘turned’ in these verses has exactly the same idea behind it as ‘repentance’ or ‘conversion’. Therefore, what does ‘repentance’ or ‘conversion’ involve? It involves recognizing that you have been serving idols (like the Thessalonians). And a rejection of that (a turning away from those things). Alongside, this turning away, there must also be a turning to God. As Paul says “you turned from idols to the living God”. This is the fundamental characteristic of repentance and of conversion. And this is common in the Bible, because the Bible teaches that by nature we worship idols (things that we make to be god) instead of worshiping the true God. Therefore, every human being needs to repent, to turn (to be converted) to the true God. Just as the Thessalonian Christians did.

Thus, it is a good time to turn to God or repent if you haven’t already. Turn to the one true and living God, seek His salvation, and submit to His legitimate reign over your life. Repent, reject your idols and false gods.


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