Being persecuted is better than living outside God’s presence


“Happy are you when people scorn you, mistreat you, and say all manner of horrible things about you behind my back. The prophets who came before you were also persecuted, so rejoice and be delighted that you will receive a great recompense in heaven. Matthew 5:11–12

The delight of God’s presence is ours when we live in [accord with Him] and follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Jesus also describes us as “blessed” and assures us that we will receive a huge reward when we suffer for Him. Peter, the apostle, made an effort to evade persecution. Peter denied Jesus during His arrest and interrogation. He was so scared of getting arrested for following Jesus that he even stated he did not know “this man.” His deceit succeeded, allowing him to flee. However, he broke down and sobbed bitterly when he realized what he had done (Matthew 26:75).

Yes, there is a price to following Jesus. If you are being persecuted for the sake of righteousness, things could turn pretty bad. However, fleeing does not make you happy in the long run. There is only darkness outside of God’s presence. After Peter betrayed Jesus, Jesus pardoned him and granted him back his apostleship. Peter didn’t find happiness or calm again till then. Peter tells his readers, “Even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed,” keeping in mind his own experience. Be not alarmed or unsettled by them. (1 Peter 3:14).

In God’s presence is peace and joy — despite persecution.


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