Death is serious, not funny

“Man is meant to die only once, and then judgment follows.” (Read Hebrews 9:27) There is no denying the existence of physical death. We can...

Being purified through suffering

According to Hebrews 2:10, “For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, should make the founder of their salvation...

Jesus takes His disciples into the storm

“And there was a tremendous windstorm; the boat was already filling as the waves crashed into it.” (Mark 4:37) Jesus challenges His followers’ faith when...

Who is the angel of the Lord?

The Old Testament mentions one particular angel among the others in the Bible: the angel of the Lord. His designation as the angel of the...

Good news!

“The first chapter of the gospel of God’s Son, Jesus Christ” (Mark 1:5) After zooming in on “the beginning” yesterday, we now encounter the word...

A light to our path

“Your word illuminates my path and serves as a lamp at my feet.” (Psalm 119:105) God’s Word is great, King David declares in Psalm 119,...

Clear sight

While his siblings did not recognize him, Joseph was able to identify them. And Joseph recalled the dreams he’d had about them. Genesis 42:8–9. The...

Jesus was betrayed by his friend

“Even my trusted close friend has turned against me, lifting his heel against me.” (Psalm 41:9) There were twelve disciples of Jesus. Throughout his whole...