10 Bible quotes about peace

The Bible says a lot about where true peace can be found and about peace in general. Ten Bible quotations on the subject are compiled...

Unconditional love

“Overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21) Because of God’s unfailing love for us, we learn to love and support everyone, including our enemies. The Lord...

How to show your friends Christian love?

The most significant technique to witness is most likely to demonstrate Christian love to others. Jesus stated, “Love one another; by your love, they will...

When were the four gospels written?

Regarding the identity and chronology of the gospel writers, the majority of scholars concur. Gospel of Mark It seems likely that Mark was the first...

Do all children who die go to heaven?

Parents may have unanswered questions about their child’s whereabouts after they die. Although the Bible doesn’t directly address this issue, we can still find enough...

Jesus rules the universe

“And He gave Him authority over everything for the church, placing everything beneath His feet.” (Acts 1:22) By being born as a human baby, submitting...