Are Biblical predictions reliable and relevant for today?

Biblical predictions

Predictions about Jesus’ first coming

There are 200–300 literal fulfillments of these prophesies in the Bible, all of which deal with Jesus’ first advent. In the name of the Lord, prophets uttered these prophecies. A prophet sent by God never failed to foresee the future (Deuteronomy 18:21–22). While a prophecy is not a blueprint outlining God’s future actions—in fact, it can be difficult to interpret them accurately—there are undoubtedly some specific prophesies that have been fulfilled in Jesus.

Take for example:

  • Around 500 years ago, the Lord Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, fulfilled in Matthew 2:1).
  • Jesus’ donkey-riding arrival into Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9, fulfilled in Matthew 21:1-11).
  • His clothing that would be split and the fact that his bones wouldn’t break—something that usually happened to a person who was crucified. (Psalms 22:18–34:20, as seen in Mark 15:24–19:33–36, fulfilled).

So yes, Biblical prophecies have proven to be reliable.

God’s plan with Israel

Approximately 600 prophecies about the second coming of Jesus are included in the Bible, and they will all come to pass. However, the Bible does not offer a comprehensive historical account.

Although there is historical evidence to support prophecies concerning Israel’s destruction and the Jewish people’s dispersion, God’s plan for Israel’s revival is currently underway. “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I will gather you from the west and bring your offspring from the east. I will bring My sons from far and My daughters from the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 43:5–6).

Additionally, the restoration of the land has been prophesied (Isaiah 41:19–20), which is also evident. Thus, biblical prophesies do indeed still hold true today!

Spiritual restoration

Ezekiel 36:26–27 also foretells the Jewish people’s spiritual revival. And I will give you a new heart and instill a new spirit in you, causing you to walk in My statutes and pay close attention to what I command.

Paul states that all of Israel will be saved in Romans 11:26. One early indicator of this comeback is the explosive growth of Jewish-Messianic congregations in Israel and other nations since 1967. There are currently about 3,000 followers of Jesus, the Messiah, in Israel alone.

United in God’s Kingdom

However, until the entirety of the Gentiles and Christians from the countries have entered in, there is still a partial hardening of Israel (Romans 11:25). Our relationship with the Jewish people is symbolized by the Christians who are grafted in as branches into the cultivated olive tree (Romans 11:17). We shall be unified in the Kingdom in the future!

Anti-Zionist forces will take on various forms in their efforts to oppose the impending Kingdom before it arrives. You can already see the labor pains (Matthew 24).

The Lord shall be King

There is a day coming, according to God’s warning, when He will [bring the nations of this world to account] for the way they treat His people. Because they have dispersed My people and My heritage, Israel, among the countries and divided up My land, I will gather all the nations and hold a judgment with them there (Joel 3:2).

There will be a conflict over Jerusalem. Next, though? “Then the LORD, my God, and all the holy ones with Him, will go forth and fight against those nations. His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two. The LORD shall be King over all the earth” (Zechariah 14:3-10).

There is still work to be done before this great event for Israel and the followers of Christ occurs.

Our prayer should be, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done.” Matthew 6:10


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