Advice on interhuman relationships


“Write them on the tablet of your heart, and bind them around your neck. Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you.” As a result, you will win others over and have success in both God and human eyes. (Proverbs 3:3–4)

In Proverbs 3, a wise parent offers guidance. He desires for his child to be devoted and loving at all times. God will be pleased, and it also goes a long way toward preserving positive bonds with friends, family, and coworkers. It is even necessary for the general well-being of society.

It may seem apparent to follow this advise. Who could argue against the benefits of love and faithfulness in relationships between people? But in actuality, things usually look different. Individuals typically prioritize their own needs over those of others and love themselves before others. “There is swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed,” says the prophet Hosea, summarizing the kind of behavior that results from this (Hosea 4:2). All because the land lacks knowledge of God, loyalty, and unwavering love!

In Proverbs 3, the father exhorts his son to write these principles on his heart, ensuring that they remain ingrained in the very core of his being, and to bind love and fidelity around his neck, which is a metaphor for constantly maintaining these values at the forefront of his mind.

Do you possess unwavering love and faithfulness? How can you teach yourself to love and be dependable more?


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