Did Abraham expect Isaac to survive the sacrifice?

Mountain lamb

Abraham believed in God’s promises, thus he anticipated Isaac to survive.

God’s promises

The incredible account of how the Lord commanded Abraham to take Isaac and give him as a burnt offering may be found in Genesis 22. Following God’s instructions, Abraham leaves right away for Moriah, the location of Isaac’s sacrifice, taking two servants with him. Abraham tells the servants something unexpected as they get closer to Moriah: “Stay here with the donkey.” Genesis 22:5 states, “I and the boy will go over there and worship and come back to you.”

Abraham promises them that he will return carrying Isaac. Is that merely his way of refusing to tell them what he must do? There’s more to it, according to this verse in the Bible: According to Hebrews 11:19, “he believed that God could even raise him from the dead.” Why did Abraham feel so certain that Isaac could still be alive? due to God’s assurances. Abraham was to become a mighty nation, as God had predicted (Genesis 12:1). Furthermore, He had said in Genesis 21:12, “through Isaac shall your offspring be named,” that it would come to pass.

God sacrificed His own Son

Abraham is referred to as the “father of all those who believe” for a reason, including this (Romans 4:11). His confidence in [God’s promises] was so great that he thought God would keep his word even after he passed away. He was correct, of course. Ultimately, Isaac became the father of Israel and did not need to sacrifice his son.

However, God [sacrificed His only Son] personally. God did the terrible deed that He allowed Abraham to flee from. In order to atone for our sins, He offered His one and only Son.

How great and unfathomable is the Father’s love for us that He would give His one and only Son to turn a wretch into His treasure.

How intensely painful a searing loss is! The father looks aside. As scars that taint the One chosen, Make many sons proud.

Look at the Man hanging on a cross with My Sin on His Shoulders. I’m embarrassed to hear my mocking voice. Scream among the mockers.

My transgression left Him there. Until it was completed I am aware that it is over since his final breath has given me life.

I have nothing to brag about. No abilities, strength, or knowledge However, I shall take pride in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.

Why should His recompense benefit me? I am unable to respond. However, I firmly believe that my price has been paid by His wounds.


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