31 reasons not to be afraid of the coronavirus – part 3 (of 3)

I want to provide you 31 reasons to not be terrified of the coronavirus during this period of panic. A single explanation for each day of the month. That being said, the coronavirus is still hazardous. As of this writing, approximately 30,000 people have passed away, and that figure is probably going to rise significantly.

I also don’t say that you can avoid the infection if you declare that the blood of Jesus protects you or if you have sufficient faith. I’ve seen a lot of memes and messages making this claim on the internet. That is incorrect in the extreme. The coronavirus has claimed the lives of evangelical pastors. Certain epidemics became more rapid because the virus infected people during religious services. It sounds good to say, “If you have faith, the coronavirus cannot touch you.” However, it is a devilish deception.

But there are additional reasons not to panic, even in the event of a pandemic that could take your life. Allow me to share with you a biblical justification for not living in fear, anxiety, or terror on any given day of the month. In this series, “part 1” and “part 2” already have the first 20. These are eleven additional justifications.

21. Do not be afraid: Otherwise you will not be ready for Jesus’ second coming.

“But keep an eye out lest that day come upon you suddenly like a trap, and your hearts be burdened with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life” (Luke 21:34).

It is not nice to sleepwalk through life. You may also experience anxiety related to routine problems or even worry all the time. That is also undesirable since it takes our attention away from spiritual matters. If we live like that, Jesus cautions us, we will not be anticipating his return. And we ought to! Don’t be scared.

22. Do not be afraid: God answers your prayers.

According to Psalm 34:4, “I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”

There are plenty of reasons not to be afraid. However, the fact that the Bible lists so many of things justifies telling us already. We are so easily captured by fear. Prayer is our one effective weapon against it. [Our prayers are heard by God]. He might respond to your prayer by removing your fear or by altering the situation so that there is no longer anything to be afraid of. In any situation, remember to arm yourself with prayer to combat fear. You have nothing to fear.

23. Do not be afraid: Jesus gives you rest.

Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to Me, all you who toil and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Carrying fear is a hefty load. Living in continual terror is one of the most emotionally draining experiences there is. Some folks are terrified and obsessive about everything related to the coronavirus. For some, it’s more of a persistent worry in the background. Jesus assures you that if you come to him, you will find rest, no matter what. He’ll relieve you of the burden. With him, you are in secure hands. You have nothing to fear.

24. Do not be afraid: A mind focused on God knows peace.

Because he trusts in You, You preserve him in complete tranquility when his thoughts are fixed on You (Isaiah 26:3).

Fear and perfect tranquility are incompatible. Fear has no place when there is [absolute tranquility]. A mind fixed on God is the key to ultimate tranquility, as shown here. Therefore, keep your attention on God anytime you feel like fear is taking control. You will see how little all the things you dread are in comparison to God’s majesty. Calm down. You have nothing to fear.

25. Do not be afraid: You are alive.

Acts 20:10 says, “Do not be alarmed, for his life is in him.”

Eutychus tumbled out of a third-story window. He was taken up dead by somebody. Nevertheless, Paul embraced him and reassured him that “his life is in him.” It’s the same way with you. You are your life. There’s so much for which to be grateful. There’s so much for you to be excited about. Don’t let fear ruin it. You have the honor of knowing and serving God, who gave you life. You have nothing to fear.

26. Do not be afraid: God is not ready yet.

Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him.”

You never know what will happen when you are in trying situations. That facilitates the onset of fear. If you do not feel the presence of God in such circumstance, the terror is even greater. We desire for God to intervene immediately. Numerous thousands of people are currently afflicted with the coronavirus. We’re ready for it to end. God’s designs, however, are distinct. This Psalm instructs us to wait for him with patience. In any crisis, that is a crucial lesson to learn. God will act when the time comes and his intentions are realized. You have nothing to fear.

27. Do not be afraid: Jesus is risen from the dead.

And He addressed them, asking, “What is causing your distress and do you have questions in your hearts? Luke 24:38–39 states, “Look at My hands and My feet, for it is I, Myself.”

When Jesus first appeared to the disciples, they were terrified. However, Jesus informed them that was not the case. [He had become alive again]. It was Jesus who had come back to them. The very fact that Jesus rose from the dead is a potent remedy for banishing your anxieties. Jesus has triumphed over death. He can overcome everything, for He has defeated death. You are secure with the risen Lord if you are one of his disciples. You have nothing to fear.

28. Do not be afraid: God will give you what you need.

“And do not worry or seek out what you are supposed to eat or drink. Because your Father is aware of your need for these goods, all nations in the world want to have them. These things will be added to you if you seek His kingdom instead (Luke 12:29-31).

Jesus tells everyone who believes in him, “Your Heavenly Father knows what is best for you.” He will provide for you as He is a loving Father. You have nothing to fear.

29. Do not be afraid: It doesn’t help.

“Which of you can prolong his life by one hour just by being nervous?”(See Luke 12:25).

Of course, there are safety measures to be taken in life, particularly in light of the current coronavirus outbreak. However, we frequently worry about unchangeable things. Furthermore, worrying while working on the things we can alter does not assist us. It makes no difference whether we are scared, nervous, or worried. So, Jesus advises, don’t do it. Instead, put your trust in God. You have nothing to fear.

30. Do not be afraid: There are more important things.

Matthew 6:31–33 states, “Do not be anxious… but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

Our top concerns are our worries. It is possible for fears to become so great that they overpower all other thoughts. However, Jesus informs us that there is something more than the material concerns we have in this life. The most crucial thing that anyone can do is to seek God’s righteousness and [God’s Kingdom]. You’ll discover that fear vanishes when you do it. In God’s presence, fear evaporates. You have nothing to fear.

31. Do not be afraid: For fear is unbelief.

So stop worrying and asking, “What should we eat? or What should we have to drink? or What should we dress? Because all of these things are sought for by the Gentiles, and your heavenly Father is aware of your need for them all, Matthew 6:31–32.

You essentially declare that you don’t trust God to provide for your needs when you worry or are afraid. If you believe that you need something, God may tell you that you don’t need it—of course, you could be wrong about that. And worry about it because it’s linked to another hidden thinking. “Is there a God?” or “Is God concerned?” or “Is God strong enough to meet my needs?” Indeed, the Almighty knows, cares about, and possesses sufficient strength for you. You have nothing to fear.

Read also: The corona virus is spreading. What should I do?


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